Allow yourself the space to discover your power and authenticity. On the Retreat Day, we invite you to embrace yourself and be authentic in the midst of the daily hustle and bustle. Experienced trainer Roy leads you through a transformative blend of yoga, breath, meditations, transformational exercises and self-reflection, creating space for inner strength and allowing the real you to emerge. After the Retreat Day, the Follow-Up Challenge begins, where you anchor the discovered power and authenticity in your daily life. For 10 weeks, you will receive great tips, assignments and support through the book and app to maintain and grow this authentic power. Why participate. Because it’s time to make space for who you really are and embrace your unique power. Discover how authenticity is the key to inner strength and fulfillment. Invest in yourself and register now for the Retreat Day and Follow-Up Challenge. Discover the power of making space for your true self and let your authentic power shine. This experience is waiting for you.

Register now!


This Retreat Day offers a unique and profound experience composed of a rich blend of yoga techniques, inner reflection exercises, meditations, deep relaxation, inspiring music and breathing techniques. Roy, an experienced facilitator who himself spent 3 years in Asia, will carefully orchestrate all of this to help you go on an inner journey of discovery. The result? A deeper understanding of yourself and a deeper harmony with your inner power. And it doesn’t stop there. As an experienced retreat follower, Roy knows better than anyone that it can sometimes be quite difficult to bring insights and inspiration gained back to daily life in a good way. Therefore, this Retreat Day will be followed by a 10-week Challenge from the book Next Level You with accompanying app with exercises. This helps you to really make that desired change a reality in your life!

Sounds good, I'll be there!


  • Vital Lunch: Enjoy a delicious, healthy lunch to keep your energy up throughout the day. You can put on your walking shoes during breaks and head into the beautiful Mastbos.
  • Healthy Refreshments: In between, we offer healthy refreshments to indulge you.
  • Tea and Fruit Water: Keep yourself hydrated with a selection of tea and fruit water throughout the day.
  • Next Level You Book: As a lasting reminder and source of inspiration, you will also receive the Next Level You book.
  • 10 Weeks Follow-Up Challenge and app: Through the book, you get access to the Next Level You app containing the exercises to the 10-week challenge, boosting your journey to personal growth!
Count me in!



  • Inner peace: You will discover inner peace through meditation and relaxation techniques, making you more resilient to the stresses of everyday life.
  • Emotional Balance: The inner reflection exercises help you recognize and release emotional blockages, leading to greater emotional balance.
  • Strength and flexibility: The yoga techniques will increase your physical strength and improve your flexibility, making you feel more vital and energetic.
  • Mental acuity: The breathing techniques will improve your concentration and mental clarity, which is beneficial for both your personal and professional life.
  • Self-insight: You will develop a deeper understanding of yourself, allowing you to better manage your own needs and desires.
  • Harmony with your potential: All together will lead to greater harmony with your full potential, allowing you to get the best out of yourself.
Yes I want this too!


  • Date: Sat. Nov. 30, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Location: Boshuis Breda (in the middle of the Mastbos), Stouwdreef 1, 4836 AK Breda
  • Small group, big impact: Up to 12 people.
  • Silence: To ensure depth during the day, much of the day will be spent in silence. This helps you really get to yourself for a while, without the pressure of conversations.
  • Invest in Yourself: The cost for this unforgettable retreat day incl. book, app, and 10-week Follow-Up Challenge is normally €295.00. Now 50% early bird and introductory discount, pay only € 149.00.

It is an investment in yourself, your well-being and your future. Do you have a personal development budget with your employer? Check to see if you can use that for this purpose.

I'll be there!


Roy Wenting guided thousands of professionals in large organizations toward inner peace, resilience and growth. He uses mindfulness meditation, yoga and transformational coaching, among other methods. Roy spent 3 years in Asian communities, monasteries and yoga schools. As a business expert, he bridges the gap between current challenges of professionals and impactful techniques for self-optimization. He shares his insights and inspires change with his Next Level You book, app, trainings, retreats and events.

I'm with Roy



  • Reserve your spot now (only 12 mats available)
  • Yoga mat and meditation cushion are provided
  • Wear comfortable multi-layered clothing, socks required

After registration and payment, you will immediately receive confirmation via invoice. You will receive all practical information shortly before the start. Note: Cancellation is not possible. If you are unexpectedly unable to attend, you can pass your spot on to someone else. Please do notify me of this via the contact form.

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